

If you don't like, or are offended, by the F-bomb, don't read this poem!

There are many days
when I am too tired and
weather-worn to rise --
the alarm clock is a god-forsaken
testament to Progress --
Fuck Progress, I say
but I rise to dress with a pain
in my back
and sleep in my eyes

Lights on, lights off --
I don't care.
I pull my jeans on over
my legs and hop-skotch
over soiled garments to the sink,
where I splash my face
and shave (every three days)
and put on deodorant,
brush my teeth,
pretend I am human again
and bemoan my need of a paycheck --
I'd rather be surfing,
or sleeping,
or sleeping on the beach in quiet
anticipation of surf,
but Progress has me at a 10-7
and I say Fuck Progress!
and sit through traffic anyway.

My boss is a douche-bag
and the work is a pain
but I say Fuck Progress
and do it anyway.

1 comment:

rosie said...

To answer your question II, which is, in my humble opinion, their best. Good stuff you got here, hope you are well.