
The Professor

The professor leaned against the desk at the front of class, feet crossed and hands-a-pockets. 31 students sat opposite him, quietly musing the latest problem he put to their minds. Many of them looked to be faking thought.

"I took this job to challenge the generations," he thought, "not to babysit." He walked over to the white-board, pulling a marker from his blazer pocket as he did so. "Any theories?," he said out loud.

"Well," pondered Julian Kyle,"this seems just another example of American Imperialism."

"You think everything written in America is an example of Imperialism."

"Am I wrong?"

"Probably not." The kid used these blanket statements, but many of them were hard to argue with. Sometimes, Darius McDonnelly wondered if the world and its literature was even worth caring about.

He continued scribbling keywords on the board, circling some, crossing out others, gainsaying the class until they either agreed with his notions or got pissed off enough to speak up otherwise. It holistically felt as though only he and Julian were in the room together. This went on for the duration of class.

As the students gathered their belongings, Julian Kyle walked up to the teacher. "Professor?"

"Yes, Julian. Something I can help you with?"

"Um ... yes. What are your thoughts on the necessity of revolution?"

"Completely necessary. Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, the rest of the Founding Fathers -- they obviously believed in it as well, otherwise we wouldn't be standing here, would we?"

"Right. I meant, what do you think of the necessity of revolution TODAY. Like ... you know, now?"

"I am all for overthrowing our government, boy, insofar as they have trampled the rights of the citizens and taken to ruling from a point of wealth. Or have you forgotten I believe we no longer live in a democracy? Is this the question you were asking?"

"Yes. And I didn't forget. In any case, will you please attend a meeting going on later this evening?"

Caught off-guard, McDonnelly didn't know what to say. "Excuse me? A meeting? Of what sort?"

"Of the revolutionary sort, Dr. You will get more information if you attend. I would ... rather, we would appreciate it."

"Well, since it is just a matter of discussion and not a matter of action, yes. Where is this meeting taking place?"

"A car will be by to pick you up outside of the main building at 7 p.m. sharp. Thank you, Dr." They locked eyes for a moment, the student dipped his head forward just the slightest bit, then turned on his heels and walked out of the room, leaving the professor to ponder this little turn of events.

"Finally," he thought, "someone is challenging me."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is awesome :-)