
The Road to Mammoth

mam·moth [mam-uhth] – noun

1. any large, elephantlike mammal of the extinct genus Mammuthus, from the Pleistocene Epoch, having hairy skin and ridged molar teeth. – adjective

2. immensely large; huge; enormous: a mammoth organization.

3. A big ass mountain that is fantastic for going balls out fast down via snowboard, skis, or snowmobile.

[Origin: 1690–1700; < Russ mam(m)ot (now mámont), first used in reference to remains of the animal found in Siberia; orig. uncert.]

This week has dragged on entirely too long. For one, work has been a mix of ups and downs, especially with clients sending releases that dont relate to the mass of humanity on any given level. Also, because a group of 10 of us are going to Mammoth for the weekend and I cant wait for work to be over and the fun to begin.
I think I live for adrenaline. I love the outdoors. That said, this trip to Mammoth is going to be a great time to take in the Lord's creation at 40+ MPH, watching the white slip by full-force. I hope to rise both days at dawn in hopes of capturing some great pictures and, as a friend once put it, find a rock and talk to God on it. It will be a time, both of insane movements and chilling silence. I am getting away on this trip as much for the spiritual connection to nature as I am for the rush of adrenaline.

All week, this is all I could think of. I have already tuned and waxed my board (along with mant friends' gear, too) and continually think of the things needed to get done before I can be out the door and on the way to the mountain. So, I am in countdown mode. We leave in 52 hours. Its time to think about packing the cooler.

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